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Australia & Oceania

Australia Adopts Presumption of Guilt Denying Any Presumption of Innocence Rejecting All Principles of a Free Society

  Australia is really rejecting all the basic tenets of civilization and is moving ever closer and closer to simply an authoritarian government. Australia is...

Australia Hit With Coldest Spell in 26 Years

The winter Downunder has already been the coldest in 26 years. Temperatures plummeted on the East Coast at Marangaroo to a low of -11.1C. It is amazing that the...

Australian Tax Office Scandal

COMMENT:  The Hunt for taxes Just to bring to your attention a scandal coming out with the Tax office in Australia pursuing aggressive revenue targets, and using...

New Zealand to Foreigners – Get Out!

The New Zealand Prime Minister that took the country back into Marxism, has fired its first shot across the bow.  The Labour party have formally signed a coalition...

Australian Senator Wear Burqa to Demonstrate a Point

Australian Senator Pauline Hanson entered the Senate in a burqa. While others immediately condemn her for anti-Muslim stunts, what about women’s rights? Did...

Is Australian Government – Crossing the Line into a Totalitarian State

  Behind the Curtain, there seems to be no government going completely nuts more so than Australia. They are doubling taxes on all foreigners who own property,...

Australia Hates Foreigners – Now Their Property Taxes Are Doubled if you are Not Australian

New South Wales in Australia has doubled property taxes for foreign real estate buyers. Of course this violates international law, but governments are broke and...

Australian Police Want a New Law to Covertly Turn All Phones into Listening Devices

In picturesque Australia, the Queensland police are proposing new laws that would allow them to turn your internet connected products into listening devices to spy...

South Australia in Financial Trouble

COMMENT: Marty; Thank you for doing your conference in Hong Kong. It made it really convenient for all us from Downunder. You are probably aware that South...

UK & Germans Did Intercept Trump’s Phone Calls with Russia

After denying that British and other European intelligence agencies have intercepted communications between Donald Trump’s staff and Russian citizens and...