Left’s Great Stalinist Purge of All Our Freedoms
January 17, 2021
It began with Twitter shutting down Trump. Then Google & Apple shut off Parler and its owner and his family have had to go into hiding because of death threats...
BigTech Police State TyrannyUganda Blocks Facebook – They Should Not Say Who Can Be Heard of Not in Our Country
January 15, 2021
The tyranny unleashed by Facebook, Google, and Twitter is unimaginable. What right do they have to censor people around the world and block anyone with whom...
BigTech TyrannyFacebook Bans Ron Paul
January 13, 2021
After criticizing Facebook for censorship, they banned Ron Paul, who must in Zuckerberg’s mind be a Domestic Terrorist because he does not support his...
BigTech TyrannyPelosi Introduces Twitter Act
January 13, 2021
COMMENT: Even Breitbart is getting into active censorship. Yesterday sent a comment that giving the vaccine to minority business first was probably vote-buying. Got...
BigTechUprising Against BigTech?
January 12, 2021
Many are calling it the time to revolt against BigTech. Instead of using Google for searching, which is tracking everything you do, perhaps switch to DuckDuckGo. I...
BigTechTrump said Twitter Has Become a National Security Threat
November 27, 2020
Others have been writing in that they have now censored Pat Buchanan as well. It seems that anyone who they dislike is being censored. President Trump has...
BigTech TerrorismSocial Media & Press are No Longer Trust Worthy
November 4, 2020
QUESTION: Marty, do you trust fact check? GK ANSWER: Absolutely not! They admit they work with Facebook. I do not think you can trust any fact-checking organization...
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