QUESTION: I know you were rather close to Sir Alan and Prime Minister Thatcher. I also know you are close to a number of politicians here in Britain. I was at your...
There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized on Sunday to Conservatives for failing to take the U.K. out of the European Union by Oct. 31st. Nigel Farage said he won’t...
QUESTION: Marty; You are more connected to BREXIT than any of these analysts. What is your view of this mess? PH, London ANSWER: What we are witnessing is...
QUESTION: Why was Britain the financial capital of the world before the first world war? Are you saying it was not their gold reserves? Thank you for the...
Once upon a time, if you voted against someone like Obama or Tony Blair in Britain, you simply accepted your loss and moved on. Those days are indeed properly for...
COMMENT: You and Maggie could have solved BREXIT in a week! HS REPLY: She would have done precisely that. Of course, they staged a coup against her to take the UK...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a question: First you remarked that capital is terrified if Labour takes Parliament. I believe Labour won Parliament the first time...
Prime Minister Borris Johnson had wanted an election on October 15, but Labour and other opposition MPs would not back the move while the option of a no-deal Brexit...