Is Brussels Trying to Force the Pound Lower?
October 8, 2016
QUESTION: Any update or longer term array for the GBP? You said they are attempting to hold the USD’s advance back any chance there’s also attempt to...
BRITAIN European Union PoundPound Sterling Collapses
October 7, 2016
COMMENT: Marty; Your forecast at the last WEC that the pound would break the 1985 low seemed extreme. I have to say as I watch it this morning, your computer picks...
September 21, 2016
QUESTION: Good day Marty, first and foremost, thank for what you do on a daily basis for us sheeple. Your prolific writing is amazing to me. There are many pundits...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election BRITAIN World EventsThe USA is in its Death Throes
August 4, 2016
Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad...
America's Economic History BRITAIN Europe's Economic History USA Current EventsBritain & the German Hyperinflation
July 18, 2016
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I was against BREXIT. I understand your view that Britain would be dragged under by the turmoil in Europe. I assume this is just your...
BRITAINThe Week in Review – July 11, 2016
July 16, 2016
The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of...
Armstrong Economics 101 BRITAIN Dow Jones Euro € European Union Gold Politics PoundBritain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Revolts Against Merkel & Draghi
July 15, 2016
The new British Finance Minister Philip Hammond was appointed as Chancellor of the Exchequer on July 13, 2016. Hammond is a welcome relief and has come out openly...
BRITAINMay Becomes PM in Britain & Boris Becomes Foreign Secretary
July 15, 2016
Theresa May became the new Prime Minister of Britain on Wednesday and formally met with the Queen to ask permission to lead her government. May is now embracing...
BRITAINBritish Pound – After BREXIT
July 13, 2016
The British pound panic is subsiding and now it is time to retest resistance. Our Monthly Bearish Reversal stands overhead at 13660, so expect this to be the...
BRITAIN PoundGovernments Keep Their Fingers Crossed
July 7, 2016
We must face the fact that we are in a slowing global economy and governments simply have their fingers crossed in hopes this nightmare just corrects itself. There...
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