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Can Rating Agencies be Trusted?

COMMENT: The manipulations of S&P indicate that these clowns’ output should be printed on absorbent paper. The point is exactly that this company and its...

The Pound & BREXIT

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I voted for remain. Contrary to the post of a very biased Brit, there is a “rift” and the person who arrogantly wrote to you...

British Politics in Disarray?

The “remain” crowd thinks this is all over in Britain because Boris Johnson will not seek the PM position in the Tories, and this appears to be setting...

Standard & Poor’s Reaction Shows Political Bias

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 Standard & Poors downgraded United Kingdom (UK), which is comprised of England,...

Soros Lost Big on the Pound This Time

COMMENT: Soros has been long gold and sold all his stocks. He made a fortune. REPLY: No professional trader tells people what he will do in advance. Those...

Have Scottish Politicians Lost Their Minds?

  While Scottish politicians are very vocal about staying in the EU, they have really lost their minds. Their hatred for the Brits has clouded their...

UK Political Resignations So Far

Resigning so far today are: Lord Falconer, shadow justice secretary Chris Bryant, Shadow leader of the House of Commons Heidi Alexander, shadow health secretary...

British Politics Melting Down

Seven members of the Labour shadow cabinet have resigned and one has been sacked. Resignations so far include the shadow health secretary, Scottish secretary,...

Jeremy Corbyn – Marxist Head Target of British Labour in Revolt

Hilary Benn called Jeremy Corbyn overnight to claim he should resign! Corbyn fired him. The Labour Party claims there is no confidence in Corbyn, and there will be...