Have Scottish Politicians Lost Their Minds?
June 28, 2016
While Scottish politicians are very vocal about staying in the EU, they have really lost their minds. Their hatred for the Brits has clouded their...
BRITAIN European UnionUK Political Resignations So Far
June 26, 2016
Resigning so far today are: Lord Falconer, shadow justice secretary Chris Bryant, Shadow leader of the House of Commons Heidi Alexander, shadow health secretary...
BRITAINBritish Politics Melting Down
June 26, 2016
Seven members of the Labour shadow cabinet have resigned and one has been sacked. Resignations so far include the shadow health secretary, Scottish secretary,...
BRITAIN European UnionJeremy Corbyn – Marxist Head Target of British Labour in Revolt
June 26, 2016
Hilary Benn called Jeremy Corbyn overnight to claim he should resign! Corbyn fired him. The Labour Party claims there is no confidence in Corbyn, and there will be...
BRITAIN European UnionNow the Losers Want a Second Referendum to Overturn BREXIT
June 25, 2016
A petition has gained 1 million signatures to overturn BREXIT and hold a second referendum. Of course, they will do a far better job at rigging this one if it goes...
BRITAIN European UnionBREXIT Should Win if the Turnout is Huge & Gov’t Can’t Rig the Vote
May 27, 2016
QUESTION: You computer say BREXIT will win? ANSWER: Yes. Once the Economic Confidence Model cycle peaked on October 1st, 2015 (2015.75), politics is now in a...
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