QUESTION: Marty; Do you ever advise Boris Johnson? HS ANSWER: No. I have never spoken with him nor with any member of his staff that I am aware of. Perhaps some in...
COMMENT: Hi Marty, Slovak Parliament passed, a few days ago, the law that obliges telecoms to hand over to the Ministry of Health the data (name, cell phone number,...
A massive rally took place also in London demanding an end to what they call is a hoax. They are telling the politicians that “people are coming today to make...
I have received a lot of emails from Britain asking if Boris is the new reason for the collapse of the pound. Fundamentals always emerge to support the projected...
Despite all the yelling and threats on top of forecasts that Britain will fall apart without the EU, the markets do not reflect such a doomsday outlook. We do see...
Welcome to Brexit Day! The British Mint is issuing a new 50 pence coin to mark leaving the EU at last. High-profile figures are already pledging to boycott the new...
I have been warning that our computer has been projecting the decline and fall of socialism. Moreover, we have pointed out that the Democrats are actually in...