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Canada App Bans and Online News Act

    A Chinese-owned app called WeChat, made for instant messaging, social media, and mobile payments, has been banned from Canada effective immediately as...

Trudeau Removing Attorney Client Privilege For Taxes

Trudeau is Klas Schwab’s pet. He does as he is told. No world leader has sought to destroy the attorney-client privilege, but Trudeau is hunting money for...

Trudeau Justifies Invoking Martial Law

Trudeau changed the world’s entire perception of Canada after his mishandling of the Freedom Convoy protest. Hard-working Canadian men and women demanded medical...

Medical Murder in Canada

COMMENT: Hello.  I wrote a response to one of James Kunstler`s readers who reported that medically assisted suicide is the sixth leading cause of death in Canada,...

Too Poor to Continue Living with Dignity – Canadian Eugenics

Canada is not hiding its depopulation and eugenics efforts. The Trudeau Administration recently expanded the MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program to include...

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Fighting Back Against WEF

This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she...

Canadians Beware

QUESTION: Martin If we are going to have a war is my money safe in my Canadian banks, or should I have some cash? Regards   ANSWER: Canadians should keep some...

The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED

In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending...

Holiday Expenses Rise in Canada

Wishing our friends in the north a happy Thanksgiving. Canada’s Thanksgiving is not as widely celebrated as America’s November feast. However, outside Quebec,...

Canadians Not Willing to Hand Over Guns

The Trudeau Administration wants to eliminate all freedoms. Provinces are fighting back at Trudeau’s gun confiscation, deemed a “mandatory gun buyback” for...