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Year-end For Asia

The Year-End number for the Shanghai share index is 3239.5. A closing above this number will keep the market in a consolidation mode. Resistance stands at 3478.01...

China’s Housing Boom

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What about the Chinese housing bubble. Why has this been so different in many ways? IX ANSWER: The primary difference is the simple fact...

How China will Surpass the West

QUESTION: Marty I just finished watching “The Forecaster” and I am impressed that you survived what the government did to you. As a former Green Beret...

Renminbi v the Dollar

The dollar haters have been touting that the Chinese yuan, or otherwise known as the renminbi, would kill the dollar and gold will soar. I have warned that China...

China Open Gold Trade in Yuan as Proxy for the Yuan

China keeps moving gradually to open up their economy to international forces. The People’s Republic of China has expanded the trade in gold in yuan and thus...

China Moving to Take the Lead in Technology

China is moving rapidly to advance and take the lead in technology from the United States and they will accomplish that in the years ahead. China is moving very...

China Looking at Taking Stake in Aramco

According to local sources in the Middle East, financial difficulties in Saudi Arabia may see a cash injection coming for its oil industry – Aramco. The...

Will China take over US as the top Superpower

QUESTION: I read a credible theory recently about China taking over US as the top superpower via economic pressures. Namely by replacing the US dollar with the Yuan...

China a Different Breed of Government

QUESTION: Why do you say China will replace the West when their government is still the communist party? ANSWER: China is no more communist than Donald Trump. There...

China – A Different Central Bank Altogether

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you once said at your conference that you were surprised when you were asked to fly to Beijing to meet with the central bank...