American Cops Resigning En Masse
May 4, 2023
Being a police officer in America has to be one of the least appealing jobs in today’s day and age. After 2020 and the rise of the BLM movement, there were...
CrimeCalifornia Republicans Aim to Make Theft Illegal
April 11, 2022
In 2014, California basically decriminalized theft by permitting shoplifters to take what they please, as long as it was under $950. Prop 47, the Safe Neighborhoods...
CrimeLightfoot Believes Remote Education Led to Increased Crime
February 10, 2022
Crime has been sweeping the nation since Biden announced his light on crime stance. Chicago, an urban warzone, has seen a sharp uptick in criminal activity so...
CrimeForging a Vaccine Card is Now a Felony
December 29, 2021
The US government has found a new way to turn regular citizens into criminals to fill overcrowded for-profit prisons. Forging a vaccination card is now a federal...
CrimeLos Angeles Police: “We Can’t Guarantee Your Safety”
December 18, 2021
The head of the LA Police Protective League, Jamie McBride, has issued a strong warning to tourists — do not visit Los Angeles. After successfully defunding...
CrimeViolence up 42% over 2019
October 15, 2021
A Conservative British lawmaker, a member of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Party, was stabbed several times while meeting his constituents at a church and...
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