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Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Do you think we are living in the end times? It seems like they are trying to absolutely control every aspect of our lives with cryptocurrencies to...

The Battle over the Virus – Real or Not

REQUEST-ECDC-AND-RESPONSE There is a huge debate over the COVID-19 and if this is real or not. But this ends up being a distraction because it is a tool, real or...

COVID & Isolating the Virus

  QUESTION: Has this virus been isolated? So many say it has not but how can it be engineered if it is not isolated? SJ ANSWER: It has been...

PRIVATE BLOG – Buffett Predicts Another Pandemic

PRIVATE BLOG – Buffett Predicts Another Pandemic Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up...

PCR Test is Not Valid

I have reported on here that I was tested for COVID five times and they were all negative. I went to Tampa hospital to see the top pulmonary doctor and after saying...

Fleeing to the Dollar because of the Delta Variant?

In Germany, they have now determined that 40% of all cash in the system is currently being hoarded. The German press, DWN, is also reporting that “Because of...

Fauci Becoming an International Villain

Fauci Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus_ The Way Forward   We are heading into a real political crisis where internationally, more and more...

Timeline of COVID Proves it was a Deliberate Leak?

Fauci really has to explain what is going on, but the Biden Administration will NEVER question Fauci nor fire him. He is their key to pretending they care about the...