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NYC Out of its Mind – Mandating 12 year olds be Vaccinated?

COMMENT: Greeting Martin So last night the NYC private schools announced that ages 12+ will be mandated to take the emergency authorized experimental vaccine. This...

Nuns in London – Do not Vaccinate

  Who do you believe? Biden, Johnson, CNN, BBC, Facebook, Twitter, Gates, Schwab, Big-Pharm – or nuns? Many people are writing in saying to call your...

The Youth Are the Future – Resistance is Not Futile

  #JUSTSAYNO RC – Just Say No (Official...

Vaccines Are for Sheep?

COMMENT #1: Hello Marty, I hope you are well.   We are living in a “crazy” world. Some states are desperately trying to bribe people to get their...

Poland Rejected Vaccines in 2010 & Was Proved Correct

The H1N1 swine flu pandemic of 2009-2010 was caused by a new strain of the same virus that caused the Spanish flu — the H1N1 virus. Despite all the scare tactics...

The Magnet Challenge

nanoparticles are being used in medicine       YouTube took this down. The censorship is becoming anti-American. They do not remove cults on Satan or...

Gates Does not Wear Masks Even in NYC

    Gates has been spotted in New York City. The most interesting point is he is walking around without a mask. After all, it was Bill Gates who has said...

VIDEO – Are Vaccines Safe

A video by “After Skool Animation Studio’s” Website...

The COVID Nightmare is Political

The EU has simply been anti-British for years ever since Margaret Thatcher vowed to keep Britain out of the euro. Now, the EU is saying that Brits, even if...