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Are Vaccines Safe?


Buri Ram in Thailand Mandatory Vaccines of 2 Years in Prison

    In the Buri Ram, Thailand, Governor Thatchakorn Hatathathayakul, on May 2, ordered the closure of the two villages containing about 400 households or...

Worldwide COVID Conspiracy?

Tucker Carlson interviews on the COVID Worldwide...

Magnets Cling to Where People are Vaccinated

The latest thing going viral is that people who accepted the vaccination are finding that for some weird reason, magnets stick to their arm where they got the shot....

In Japan there have been More Suicides than Deaths from COVID

  More people have died from suicide in Japan than COVID. While Fauci says he is only concerned about health and not human rights, he ignores all the suicides...

Interview – Economic Panic in 2022

Bill Gates Having a Very Bad Week on Schedule

  Bill Gates is having a very bad week. On top of his divorce where the real scoop is his wife disagrees with his dominating the world ego, his attempt to keep...

Melinda Gates to Divorce Bill – Hallelujah

Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at...

2-Year Old Dies in COVID Vaccine Experiment

I am sorry, but I do not believe in immunity for Gates and his vaccine companies. A 2-year-old baby dies after being vaccinated for COVID. The parents should be...

India – People Chase Out Vaccine Nazis

  I have been getting reports from readers in India that claim that the people who die are the ones who were vaccinated. I have not been able to verify this,...