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Riots in Rome of Tyrannical Lockdowns

We have confirmation from readers in Rome that there has been a protest in Piazza Montecitorio which began as a sit-in protest by restaurateurs and other categories...

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that...

The Truth About Lockdowns

  Knut Witkowski was referring to this declaration that was supposedly signed by more than 1 million medical professionals....

Lawsuits Filed Against Vaccines in International Criminal Court

COMMENT: Hello Marty, I hope you are well and staying very healthy! Here is a link related to ongoing deaths from this “gene therapy” spun as a vaccine....

Has Russian TV Become the Only Real Media?

    This is really a said statement on Western Press when RU reports on the Worldwide Freedom Protests and Western Press calls it all extremists,...

New Documentary – The Big Reset – Taking Spain by Storm

In Spain, a new documentary has come out exposing the Great Reset. The effort, as Schwab says in the film, is to “accelerate” this change and make the...

Gallup Poll says 51% of health care workers Refuse to Vaccinate

I have reported that my cousin who was a frontline nurse in New Jersey got COVID. They insisted she still gets vaccinated. After the first dose, she had a stroke....

Fauci at Last Has to Answer About Vaccines & Double Talks

  Eugenio Derbez interviews Fauci and actually asks questions about the vaccines you will NEVER hear any mainstream pretend-journalist ask because they are...