The Economist just ran a story that summarized the change in work that “people particularly fond of their pyjamas have for decades been arguing that a lot of...
COMMENT FROM THE UK: Hi Marty I am sure you, like me, have expected without a doubt a move back into FALL lockdowns. It has been blatantly obvious here in the UK...
QUESTION: Marty; Do you ever advise Boris Johnson? HS ANSWER: No. I have never spoken with him nor with any member of his staff that I am aware of. Perhaps some in...
COMMENT: What is wrong with Andrews? Does he have a Hitler/Napoleon Complex? The police are thugs. They are becoming criminals and Andrews says nobody will get hurt...
PRIVATE BLOG – Why is there a Coverup About COVID & The Russian 2000 Election Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up...