Let us never be fooled again by authoritarians draping themselves in the mantle of science. https://t.co/fh9Qd4NwJC — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr)...
As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and...
(Video of Indians in a village chasing out vaccination squads as their government forced the experimental vaccine on the population) “Doctors knew Covid...
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), “a rare brain disorder that leads to dementia,” according to the Mayo Clinic is suddenly on the rise. This prion disease...
I reported that AstraZeneca was recently forced to admit that its vaccine could produce lethal side effects amid a class action lawsuit in the UK. The...
Vaccine manufacturers and health agencies have been silently admitting that their “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have deadly side effects....
Kayla Pollock, 37, was a healthy woman from Ontario with no medical issues. Everything changed with Kayla took the Moderna mRNA experimental vaccine on January 11,...
Any doctor who supported COVID should NOT be your doctor. I found a new doctor who asked if I was vaccinated. I said NO!!!!! He said GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
We all recall the FDA and mainstream media gaslighting the public into believing there was no available treatment for the coronavirus. They laughed at those who...
The elderly were told to take the COVID vaccination as they were high-risk. Countless advertisements flooded our screens and airwaves for years, urging the...