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Gates’ Dream of Controlling the World is Hitting a Brick Wall

Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone....

COVID Testing Going Nuts

All of this controversy because Trump says testing for COVID should slow down and Fauci says no way. I have stated I made the mistake of going to an ER and all they...

NO Football This Season

There is clearly a deliberate move to keep the world shut down and to force everyone to be tracked and vaccinated. Someone really needs to expose Anthony Fauci for...

Gates is Funding Seven Factories for his Mandatory Vaccine

Bill Gates says his foundation is funding the construction of factories for seven coronavirus vaccine candidates. Europe is embracing his agenda where people will...

Gates Funding Genetically Altered Mosquitoes

Oxford-based genetic engineering firm Oxitec has announced a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a new strain of mosquitoes to...

Imperial College Should Be Defunded for Their Fake Research

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, These corrupt idiots at Imperial released another report in which they claim the lockdowns they advocated saved 3.1 million lives in...

Dutch Scientist Warns this a a Crisis in Science

What People Fled from Behind the Berlin Wall is Here Now in the West

I have received numerous emails from many readers who were once behind the Iron Curtain. They all say the same thing – what they fled from has now taken hold...