What is truly amazing is how the mainstream media is so intent upon just accepting whatever Bill Gates says and his entire agenda without the slightest bit of...
QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral...
The free state of Thuringia in Germany, which has 2.15 million inhabitants, has declared that it will abolish all national corona protection regulations as of June...
Americans are defying the lockdown orders throughout the country from California to the Atlantic Seaboard. People have discarded their masks which the CDC...
There is a major crisis economically unfolding and the markets are not yet taking into account the seriousness of the economic damage. I have explained that...
Many more people have begun to review the computer code used to justify the closing of the world economy, including engineers from Germany. This is by far the most...
Governor Cuomo of New York ordered nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients, unleashing sweeping death plagues as the elderly are susceptible to these respiratory...