Creating apps to track everyone is where Gates’ microchip insertions into our body come into play. Apple has announced the second generation of its cheaper...
The New York Times and others are out in full force to defend Bill Gates, their savior of the world. They distort everything and try to pretend he is this wonderful...
President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put...
If you want to become a doctor right now you can become one without years of training in New York City. Just attribute all deaths to COVID-19 so Governor...
It is very interesting that the death rate in Sweden is by no means excessive compared to any other Western country that has locked its citizens down. The...
In New Zealand, civil liberties have been suspended and may not return. The new police powers during the Covid-19 alert level 4 lockdown reveals authorities have...
From Anonymous in Spain: After more than a month of the strictest possible lockdown, it just keeps being extended… they are conditioning the masses to accept...
This is clearly political. The numbers just do not support this panic they are less than the annual flu. Granted, they are rising now, but that is because of...