COMMENT: Dear Martin, you are once more right with your view’s. EU’s Schengen agreement is going to die. From May 1st on, anybody in the EU has to carry...
Europe’s voters have spoken. The establishment parties have lost big time and the ant-EU parties have made major gains as have the Green parties. This was...
QUESTION: Marty, at the Rome WEC you put up that chart that showed historically private sector yields have gone below public. That really demonstrated your point on...
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called a snap election after disappointing results from his party in the European Elections. His Syriza party was estimated...
So far the biggest gains in Germany were for the Green and AfD Parties and in France, LePen is leading Macron. In the UK, it seems to be BREXIT Party of Farage is...
There will be no exit polls in the EU election. They made it a criminal offense for any country in the EU to publish exit polls, or any information about how people...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, The Rome WEC was a real eye-opener for me. Thank you for coming over to Europe. Especially the reports you released in advance of the...
In Hungary, the anti-EU movement runs intense and links Soros and his funding behind the curtain as the number one problem. There have been protests in Hungary...
Macrone just signed a law where Italian will no longer be taught in France. The idea that Europe is one big happy family is so far from reality that this is part of...
QUESTION: If I remember my history well, letting in all of these refugees who are Muslim will eventually mean that Europe becomes Muslim or at the very least we...