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European Union

EU Elections with Exit Polls

So far the biggest gains in Germany were for the Green and AfD Parties and in France, LePen is leading Macron. In the UK, it seems to be BREXIT Party of Farage is...

The EU Elections Due Tomorrow 26th

There will be no exit polls in the EU election. They made it a criminal offense for any country in the EU to publish exit polls, or any information about how people...

LAGOM – “Just the Right Amount” & European War

QUESTION: Hi Martin, The Rome WEC was a real eye-opener for me. Thank you for coming over to Europe. Especially the reports you released in advance of the...

The Rising Anti-EU Sentiment Ahead of the EU Elections

In Hungary, the anti-EU movement runs intense and links Soros and his funding behind the curtain as the number one problem. There have been protests in Hungary...

Macrone Orders Italian Language to No Longer Be Taught in France

Macrone just signed a law where Italian will no longer be taught in France. The idea that Europe is one big happy family is so far from reality that this is part of...

Did Europe Alter its Destiny By Accepting Refugees?

QUESTION: If I remember my history well, letting in all of these refugees who are Muslim will eventually mean that Europe becomes Muslim or at the very least we...

European Politics

QUESTION: Will you be covering BREXIT and the May elections since Nigel Farage will be speaking? What about your forecasts on civil unrest? It is really starting to...

The Fate of Europe

QUESTION: Marty; Your capital flow models have been remarkable. Do you see Europe as ever getting its act together? We need support to get decisions approved as you...

Netherlands Objects to France’s Attempt to get EU Funding in a Crisis

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is objecting to France’s desired changes to the EU budget. France wants aid with the inclusion of the...

Trump v California – the Sanctuary State

The battle over illegal aliens in the United States will really make your head spin. In 2017, California passed a “sanctuary state” law that limits cooperation...