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European Union

BREXIT to be Signed by the Pi Target – November 21st, 2018?

COMMENT: Dear Martin I am once again in awe of your mighty computer. I refer to today’s announcement by Dominic Raab that a deal on Brexit should be ready for...

Merkel Has been the Face of Europe – So Get Ready!!!!

  Merkel has been the face of Europe – good, bad, or indifferent. Germany has been the major economy in Europe with France a distant second. We must...

Europe & Risk of Revolution

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr Armstrong, for your lifetime work. mindblowing as always. I picture Europe now as Greece during the Roman Republic (before its conquest)....

Eurozone will Collapse – There is No Other Choice Economically

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see what you have been arguing about the faulty design of the euro. After the EU rejected Italy’s budget, is there any hope...

Why British Politicians Argue to Remain in the EU – PENSION!!!!!!!!!

When you look closely at all the people who line their pockets with huge EU pensions for being a representative of Britain, it is stunning to see why they would...

Italy Sends it Budget to Brussels

The Italian Government has gone and adopted the controversial draft budget for the coming financial year. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that the budget plan...

GDPR Creates an Overwhelming Bureaucratic Nightmare in Europe

  The new data protection legislation in Europe known as GDPR. has resulted in simply overwhelming the government with complaints and inquiries from small...

Merkel’s Conservative Lose Absolute Majority in Bavaria

It is really mindblowing how politicians simply refuse to admit a mistake with the refugees and reverse course. Merkel has dug in her heels in over this issue and...

The ECB on the Verge of Collapse?

  The European Central Bank (ECB) will NOT aid Italy with an EU rescue program if the country or its banks are in financial turmoil. The Italian government is...

AfD is now in Second Place in German Polls

Many people have initially said that the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party would never rise. The AFD has now has risen to the second highest party in...