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European Union

Deutsche Marks Still Being Hoarded as Hedge Against Euro

It may sound crazy that an old currency is still being hoarded 16 years after the introduction of the euro. However, the Germans still have been hoarding Deutsche...

Farage Tells the EU They are Acting like Mafia

The Euro Crisis & The Previous Debt

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I understand and agree to what you are saying in your post however I cannot understand what you mean when you say that: “Secondly,...

ECB under Pressure to Reverse Direction

The European Central Bank (ECB) is coming under fresh pressure to increase interest rates, not merely from the standpoint that the Federal Reserve has been doing...

Macedonia Reject Soros & the EU Socialism

For 26-days straight, thousands of people have taken to the streets in order to send the message to Soros and European leaders that the people of Macedonia are a...

The Financial Crisis 1992-1993

QUESTION: Marty, it is well known here in Britain that you advised Thatcher of course, but it was John Major you advised and even wrote what he said during the...

European North v South

Dijsselbloem’s comments regarding the Southern Europe reflect the political bias – not the general public at large within Europe. There are different...

Jeroen Dijsselbloem insults Half of Europe

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Eurogroup President, has launched a storm of indignation as he insults half of Europe, illustrating the clash between the North and South....

The Rise of Populism – Here to Stay

QUESTION: With the Netherlands voting against Wilders, do you think the tide is turning? Will Europe survive? ANSWER: It may have been a huge sigh of relief for...

Can the EU Return to just a Trade Union?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the EU reaches their “Oh shit!” moment will it be able to devolve back into an Economic union? Is there any possibility that...