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European Union

British EU Protester Cannot Burn EU Flag Because of Regulations

A British protester tries to set fire to EU Flag, but because of EU regulations prohibiting flammable material, he cannot complete his...

European State of the Union Through the Eyes of a 23-Year-Old

I happened to have a conversation with someone from Portugal who was neither a trader nor an investor, just an observant 23-year-old. When I asked for her take on...

“BREXIT” Report Provides the Truth about Remaining in the EU

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to...

Britain’s Ice Age Is Unfolding?

Many say that Britain is moving into an Ice Age and energy prices are rising, for the U.K. is as cold today as it was in December. This cold period has sent heating...

Swedish Police Say 15-Year-Old Girls are to Blame for Increased Rapes by Refugees

Believe it or not, Swedish girls under 15 are causing Muslim men to rape them, according to the Swedish government. Politicians can never be wrong, so the problem...

BREXIT v Yellen

  The debate shifted following the Jobs Report, and people now assume that the Fed will not raise rates. Hence, we have a bounce in gold and the euro. That...

ECB Begins Buying Corporate Bonds

The European Central Bank (ECB) will start buying corporate bonds on June 8. This will broaden Quantitative Easing by expanding it to a new asset class in a...

Comments from France

COMMENT #1:  The current protests are not “The People against the State” and therefore it is not a revolution. It is the Left (CGT union and alike)...

Comment on Voting in BREXIT

COMMENT: Dear Martin, When I first started voting in the UK at 18, I used to take my balllot card and driving license with me for ID purposes. But to my surprise,...

The Second French Revolution? Or Just Major Civil Unrest?

All of our sources in France warned that labor civil unrest was going to explode. Now, hundreds of thousands of citizens have poured onto the streets in France and...