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European Union

Hungary Attends Joint Security Summit with Russia, Belarus, and Syria

The European Union and NATO are questioning Hungary’s allegiance after it sent a foreign minister to a joint security summit with Russia, Syria, and Belarus....

Return Hubs – Brussels Attempts Damage Control Over Migrant Crisis

The European Union is beginning to change its stance on its open border policy. Over 1.14 million sought asylum in the EU last year, a completely unsustainable...

Cycle of War Technology & Fate of the EU

QUESTION: I hear that the F16, introduced in 1978, is obsolete in today’s modern war. Do you have any information on this? Have we entered the day when swords...

Why the EU Wants War

– The European leaders are pushing for war with Russia because, economically, they are failing. Those in the highest offices of the European Union faced the...

Illegal Migration to Italy Falls 64%

The globalists condemned Italy’s Giorgia Meloni for promising to curb immigration if elected. As with Donald Trump, she was called a racist for wanting to secure...

Switzerland’s Population Surpasses 9 Million

For the first time in modern history, Switzerland’s population has surpassed the 9 million mark. We’ve seen the same phenomenon happen throughout the West....

EU Parliament Issuing a Virtual Declaration of War on Russia

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling on EU countries to lift all restrictions on Ukrainian strikes deep into Russia immediately. The US has just...

Schengen Area at Risk

Hungary’s battle with the European Union is worsening by the day. The European Court of Justice threatened Budapest with a €200 million fine for failing to take...

Hungary Fined for Limiting Asylum Seekers – Is it Time to Break Up with the EU?

The European Union has fined Hungary for failing to accept its delegated quota of migrants. Hungary has refused to pay the fine €200 million fine issued by the...

Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit. The EU supposedly has a rotating presidency of council to maintain the appearance that...