The motto of the ECB is plain and simple: why reform when we still have some power? Governments will fight until the last drop of blood is spilled; they assume it...
The refugee crisis in Europe is going from bad to worse. Refugees are entering Europe from everywhere but are heading to Germany. Even here in Greece, the same flow...
The man whose idea gave life to the euro, Professor Otmar Issing, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal...
Politicians never get enough and never tell the truth. Perhaps they are right and can fool the people in general. Expect this move soon in your country. They are...
The French elite are now calling for a German exit from the euro as a solution since the rest of them are heading into Marxist la-la land. The Greek crisis has...
Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has lowered the credit outlook for the EU as a whole to NEGATIVE. SPIEGEL Online reported, in addition to the new aid for...
The Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) decided on Wednesday not to participate in the next credit-round for Greece. The Board denied new loans to...
The Euroland is still not a unified idea outside the minds of the political elite. French farmers set up roadblocks to stop the import of cheaper food from...
German Federal Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, envisions that the Euroland has to assume control to relieve the local politicians of the need to raise taxes...
It was about 20 years ago when Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister, wrote his paper on the danger in the Eurozone reflecting on European...