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European Union

The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite...

Brussels to Take Over Tax Collection in Europe – End of Democracy

Germany and France have called for the establishment of a central EU authority for the eurozone to raise taxes independently. This plan is part of a package of...

Brussels & the Trend Toward Authoritarianism

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope your well. Please could you elaborate on your post: “Consolidating all the debt in the EU” Of course you were...

The London Meeting to End Cash

The conference to tax money was held on May 18, 2015, in London at the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in Knightsbridge. I can only assume that the lack press coverage...

EU Looking at Consolidating All Member Debt – Is It Too Late?

The European Union (EU) is now looking at consolidating all member debt, which is what they should have done from the start. The question remains – Is it too late...

How to Survive a Banking Crisis

Many in Spain are starting to figure out that the only way to survive is to get your money out of the bank. Accounts can just be frozen as they did to...

The Greek Nightmare

QUESTION: Marty, With the default of Greece and their exit from the Euro, what is likely to happen to the debt and what rate would you expect the drachma to be...

Jean-Claude Juncker Is Creating a Political EU Commission – Non-Politicians Get Out

Incoming European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has cleverly created an EU executive that is essentially former politicians only. His intention has...

BREXIT – Bank of England Researching Departing From EU

The Bank of England is studying the implications of a possible British exit from the European Union, as it slipped in an email to the Guardian acknowledging such a...

Merkel Spying on France & EU Commission?

So far, Angela Merkel has beaten every scandal that has emerged, from the euro to the NSA. She has been the real pillar in the euro and it now seems she may have...