Now 43% of Germans Want Merkel to Resign – More than She Was Elected With!
June 29, 2018
The polls in Germany show that discontent is now rising and 43% of the people want Merkel to resign. She only won 32.8% to begin with. Germany is also shifting and...
Germany Italy Politics RefugeesGerman Healthcare Deficit 300% Greater than Expected Due to Refugees
June 6, 2018
Healthcare costs have been exploding even in Germany. The revisions in healthcare of about two years ago did expand the coverage, but the expanded costs...
Germany medicine RefugeesEU Migration Chief Say Europe Will Continue to Take Refugees “For Decades to Come”
May 17, 2018
The EU migration chief, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has demonstrated that politicians are just so out of touch with reality they are securing their own...
European Union RefugeesGreece & the Debt Crisis
April 30, 2018
The entire EU Crisis began precisely on schedule on the Political Pi Turning point from the major high in 2007. Precisely on the day of the ECM turning point,...
ECM Greece Refugees Sovereign Debt CrisisHungary Election Also Shows EU’s Days are Numbered
April 10, 2018
Viktor Orban has clearly won the parliamentary elections in Hungary winning 74.6% of the votes on Sunday in Budapest. His party could take 134 seats in the...
European Union Politics RefugeesRefugee Migration Will Keep Wages Suppressed in Europe
January 23, 2018
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Here in Germany, one obvious consequence of the refugee migration has been that wages are declining for low-end jobs. I believe you had...
RefugeesAbout Half 2.5 million Refugees Still Waiting for Approval for Asylum
September 29, 2017
According to Eurostat, at the end of 2016 there were almost 1.2 million migrants waiting for a decision on their asylum applications. Already, about 880,000 people...
RefugeesEU Refuses to Honor Solidarity to Share Expenses of Refugees
September 5, 2017
The EU has been dictating to the member states but has failed to shoulder common costs for the refugee crisis they did not create. The EU denied Italy to subtract...
European Union RefugeesAngela Merkel is being Called a Traitor for the Refugee Crisis
August 21, 2017
The EU has abandoned Italy while simultaneously demanding that the refugees must be taken care of. Nearly 100,000 refugees have arrived in Italy since the start...
Germany RefugeesEuropean Refugee Crisis will Engulf Europe by 2032
August 18, 2017
The European Refugee Crisis is really completely out of control. The bulk of these people are by no means refugees. You see no women and children here in the...
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