Blog Refugees
Polls in Netherlands Show Political Upset in the Wind
December 9, 2016
Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls and would win if the election were held today in the Netherlands. The political world is still in denial....
Civil Unrest Politics RefugeesHungary Cracks down on Syrian Refugees
December 1, 2016
Last July, Hungary’s polls showed that the people will NOT accept more refugees. Hungary’s Premier Viktor Orban was told his nation could be kicked...
European Union RefugeesRefugees Still Raping Women in Europe
November 27, 2016
The European protests against the rapes by refugees continue to unfold. Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns all across the...
RefugeesCivil Unrest Rising in Germany
November 10, 2016
There are reports of more and more incidents of Germans turning against the refugees with violence. A mob of about 50 youths went “hunting” for...
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