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France Blocks Reports of Protests Against Muslim Population

  There is a rising discontent in France, which has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Many French see their language and culture as being suppressed by...

Has the Freedom of Religion been Destroyed in France?

In France, the Catholic Assumption Day, or Assomption in France, is the day in Roman Catholic tradition when Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, was taken bodily up...

Macron’s French Police Openly Attacking the People Seriously Injuring if not Trying to Kill Them

Unfortunately, as governments begin to collapse moving into 2021/2022 due to the complete failure of Socialism, they will not simply yield to the people and admit...

Is France Moving Closer to Revolution?

After studying how revolutions unfold, the critical factor is when the police/army turn against the political power. The Russian Revolution was bloodless for when...

Black Vests Storm Paris

The Black Vests are rising up in France. This group is composed of undocumented Africans who are in France and demanding to stay. Hundreds of these undocumented...

France Refuses any Negotiation on BREXIT & Demands to Punish Britain

Paris is adamant that the EU should not renegotiate the Brexit deal. The French want to punish the British at all costs, and that means at the expense of their own...

Paris Riots Take Over the Champs-Elysees

Paris on Saturday saw a second major uprising of Yellow Vest protests. Many are now arguing that the rioting on the Champs-Elysees has been instigated by extreme...

Germany Slips into Recession Following the Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your ECM has been amazingly accurate. Not only did real estate peak, but it is now official, Germany is in a recession. Great job HW REPLY:...

France Has the Highest Tax Rate in the Industrialized World & Worst Investment Record in Europe

What is really amazing is how governments just fail to comprehend that revolution is instigated by corruption and taxes. Nevertheless, they just can’t help...

French Police Remove Helmet to Support People Against Macron’s Government