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Civil Unrest Growing in Germany Over Energy Inflation

Protests over the rising cost of energy are popping up throughout the West. Over the weekend, thousands of Germans from six different cities took to the streets to...

German Climate Change Terrorism

COMMENT From Germany: Dear Marty, there was a sabotage act on the German railroad company „Deutsche Bahn“. Two cables in different locations were cut on...

Germany Hits Record Population Growth

There are now 84 million people living in Germany, according to the German Federal Statistical Office. This has nothing to do with the birth rate, which is on the...

Deutsche Bank CEO Says a Recession is Inevitable

Yet another head of the financial system is coming out and warning that a recession is inevitable. Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing echoed the words of BoE’s...

Germans Stockpiling Firewood

We are quickly reverting back to the Dark Ages. Cooking and keeping warm with fossil fuels may become a luxury as the energy crisis spreads across the West. Reports...

Inflation & Ukrainian War are Greatest Threats to the World Economy

COMMENT FROM GERMANY: Oil and flour shelves are empty. N REPLY: I really do not know if the braindead politicians actually understanding what they have done with...

German Inflation 22.6% – The End is in Sight

The wholesale prices in Germany rose at a record pace in March. Compared to the same month the previous year, wholesale prices jumped by 22.6%, as the Federal...

Greenpeace to Take Over Environment & Secretary of State for Germany

Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in...

Berlin Police Using Measuring Sticks to Arrest Protesters not at regulatory Distance

  Germany is enjoying absolute tyranny. During the protests over the weekend, you see the police with measuring sticks ready to imprison anyone who is not...

Stralsund Police Placed on Santa’s Naughty List

A video has gone viral of German police officers arresting Santa Claus at a Christmas market in Stralsund. At the same time, around 65 people had gathered at the...