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Will Italy Be the First to Deploy Military Against Anti-Lockdown Protestors?

Facebook is now blocking videos people have posted from Italy showing the massive uprising against the lockdowns. The government is redefining...

Italy Looking to Use Military Against its People?

  The head of Italy has summoned the military in the face of civil unrest over these lockdowns which are destroying small businesses and creating disruptions...

NAPLES Riots after Government Says it Will Impose 40 day Lockdown

Protest breakout in Naples after the government claimed that 2,000 have COVID-19 so they may lock down the region for 40 days and have imposed a curfew.  These...

Italexit – New Party in Italy to Exit the EU

We are witnessing the rise of the new party in Italy headed by Gianluigi Paragone calling for the exit of there EU. New Italian party calls for the exit from EU...

Italy To Put up All Government Buildings as Collateral for Loans?

Europe is the epic center of our economic doom. Their socialistic polices have been following Marx since Word War II. They have used the Quantity Theory of Money...

Italy & Spain Fining People for Breaking Quarantine

  The Italian government is considering tightening up existing quarantine restrictions as more than 53,000 people in the country have been charged by police in...

Italy Seizes Missile from Far Right Activists

The tensions in Europe continue to rise as the entire refugee issue has led to a major polarization within Europe. In Italy, the BBC reported that an anti-terrorism...

PRIVATE BLOG – Italy’s Mini-BOT A Parallel Currency to the Euro 

PRIVATE BLOG – Italy’s Mini-BOT A Parallel Currency to the Euro  Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

The Grapes of Wrath – How to Keep Them Warm

The Winter that Will Not End is impacting even northern Italy. In Tuscany, winemakers have lit hundreds of torches to keep their grapes warm during this cold period...

The European Crisis of Philosophy is the Destruction of the European Union

The entire project of creating the Euro was a means to allow Northern Europe to effectively takeover Southern Europe and impose its philosophy in a totally...