The Euro Crisis is Unfolding on Schedule
May 29, 2018
The Euro Crisis is emerging rapidly. The 2Yr BTP Italy debt has jumped 150bp and is now wider by 2.50%. The ECB has been intervening BECAUSE as we have...
Euro € European Union ItalyEuro Crisis Unfolds as Politics in Italy Views they are Now an Occupied Country
May 29, 2018
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You do know that you have been the only analyst who has outlined how, why, and when the euro would go into crisis. You said 2018...
Euro € European Union ItalyItalian Pension Crisis – a Blueprint for the Rest of Us
April 11, 2018
Back in 2011, the Italian government under Mario Montis instituted a pension reform deciding the Fonero right. Italy had to impose this reform to reduce its debt...
Italy Pension CrisisThe Fate of Italy & the Italian Lira
April 11, 2018
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A friend of mine worked for the central bank back in the nineties and he gave me a copy of this chart you provided to Italy on your...
ItalyItalian Elections – Another Nail in the Coffin of Brussels?
March 6, 2018
The Italian election results are in and once again it demonstrates that correlating economics with voting, you end up with a far more accurate forecast. Trying to...
European Union Italy PoliticsEU Concern Rising About Italian Debt
November 24, 2017
The EU Commission is deeply concerned that Italy is under pressure to spend frivolously because of the upcoming elections. The EU is now scrutinizing Italy’s...
ItalySicily votes 81% against the EU Status Quo – It Begins!
November 10, 2017
The contagion from Catalonia is indeed spreading to Italy. The Democratic Party (PD) led by former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has suffered a severe defeat...
Italy PoliticsItaly’s Solution for Unemployment = Pension Crisis
October 16, 2017
The high taxation in Europe has crippled the economy. Those in power have not yet figured out that 70% of employment is created by the small business owner who they...
Greece Italy Pension CrisisThe Refugee Crisis is now Causing Migration of Youth to America
July 27, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your report that the politicians we have here in Europe think they need these refugees to pay future pensions. I read that the IMF...
Italy RefugeesItaly to Raise Taxes to Satisfy Brussels – Why the Euro Will Fail
April 27, 2017
The European Union (EU) has been pushing Italy for a very long time to reduce its deficit. Of course, governments are never capable of reducing their own...
Italy The Hunt for TaxesBlog Alerts
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