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German Healthcare Deficit 300% Greater than Expected Due to Refugees

Healthcare costs have been exploding even in Germany. The revisions in healthcare of about two years ago did expand the coverage, but the expanded costs...

The Future The Good and the Bad

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog...

Where The Future Looks Bright

QUESTION: Do you think stem cell research will be the next advance in medicine? KW ANSWER: It is a shame that much is misunderstood and has been driven offshore. ...

Gun Control & What’s Wrong

  The entire problem with control has been focused upon if someone is a criminal. While they have tried to paint Cruz as a racist against blacks and Muslims,...

You May Soon Be Able to Regrow an Arm or Leg?

The Mexican axolotl salamander can regrow lost limbs in a matter of weeks which includes the bones, muscles, nerves and the whole enchilada. When scientists sought...

How Science Changes

COMMENT: Hi Marty, As a former research scientist I read your blog post “The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields” with great interest. You wrote:...