The Taliban has sadly revived Afghanistan’s booming drug business and now poses a stark threat to the rest of the world. According to a BBC report, the country...
With the battle raging in Israel/Palestine, there is always going to be propaganda that points the finger at the other side. Over the past 15 years, Israel has...
QUESTION: Why all of a sudden with your date May 8, rockets are landing in Jerusalem? DK ANSWER: This was caused by the Biden Administration for they assumed that...
Iran is not simply a military threat, it has been at the top of the list of cyber-terrorism. Iran has cyber troops that have long been waging a cyberwar and they...
The Middle East has been in turmoil and Trump has stood his ground against the neo-cons. The UAE is trying to avoid involving its nation in the conflict with Iran...
QUESTION: Do you think the neo-cons who pushed the Iraq War and are pushing to annihilate Iran now, are covertly in league with Israel? Anonymous ANSWER: There is...
There are many people claiming this is Tonkin Gulf 2.0 claiming it is a false flag of the USA attacking the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and using it as an...
The interesting aspect of our war models has been that this cycle turned up in 2014 and we really do not reach the point of a major peak before 2022/2023. Back in...
A Revolution is brewing not just in Turkey, but also in Iran. More than 100,000 people have taken to the streets chanting death to the dictator. The currency has...