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7.7 Earthquake in Mexico, Cold Weather Affect Crops in Europe, & Volcanoes in Indonesia Erupting

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake’s magnitude was 7.7, while Mexico’s seismological institute put its strength at 7.1. Quakes of such size can...

Is a Volcanic Winter on the Horizon?

COMMENT: Hello, while thinking about the current disruption in international air traffic, I remembered the following article and wondered if there could be a cycle...

Iceland Volcanic Region Woke Up with the ECM 1/18/2020

  Iceland is known as the Land of Fire & Ice. Volcanic activity is escalating in a region that has not erupted for 800 years. Ever since the turn on the...

Krakatoa Eruption in Indonesia – Dawn of a Volcanic Winter?

Krakatoa has once again erupted on April 11, 2020. The risk of a more serious eruption extends into August 7th, 2020. Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes, the...

Is Greta Trying to Cash in on the Coronavirus?

Even Greta Thunberg is getting in on the act by trying to claim she has the coronavirus. She wrote in a social media post on Tuesday that she and her father had...

7.7 Earthquake Hits Jamaica in the Caribbean

A 7.7 strong earthquake was reported Tuesday afternoon in the Caribbean Sea between Cuba and Jamaica, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake was...

Volcanoes & the Risk During Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thank you so much for warning all for what is coming ! Sorry to keep reflecting on details, you wrote :“The real issue is the threat of a VEI...

Is Climate Change Dispute the Same As the Fall of Rome?

Climate Change has become a fanatical religion because there is no proof and it rests entirely on belief. This is taking on the traits of the religious dispute...

Polar Shift – The Undefinable Risk?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a new reader. I was recommended to look to your site when I was in a climate debate with a friend. They never tell us that the sun has...

Taal Volcano Erupts in Philippines

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You might find this interesting. Today the Taal volcano in Luzon, Philippines, erupted in a violent way sending an ash plume as high as 16 km...