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Typhoon Jebi Hit Japan with Amazing Force

Three Volcanoes Erupt at Same Time & New Evidence of Gamma Ray Intensity

  A number of people have written in that they enjoyed the phrase I made up that we are like a pebble at the bottom of the ocean with no clue what lies above...

Flipping of the Poles Rapid or Gradual?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Mayan report and it was fascinating. Do you think that these strange anomalies of places that are cool experiencing hot...

The Hunger Stones Have Appeared

While the Global Warming fanatics are out in force saying “see” the heat in Europe is caused by humans driving their cars around, they continue to...

Short-term v Long-term Forecasting Earthquakes

There is a site that is doing short-term Earthquake forecasts who has a very good track record known as Dutchsinse. He has a very good track record for forecasting...

Second Earthquake in One Day Hits Lombok, Indonesia

  Another earthquake hit now in Indonesia but this was a 6.9 and much shallower. It has resulted in a landslide from Mount Rinjani after another earthquake...

Fiji Earthquake 8.2 – More to Come?

COMMENT: Ok, this time you were wrong. A major earthquake hit Fiji on the 19th, not the 20th and CNN reported it 3 hours ago which followed your post 8 hours ago....

Earthquake & Volcanoes for August/September 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Singapore who warned that there would be continued volcanic activity in the Pacific and that the peak in 2018 appeared to be coming...

Is SO2 the Real Threat – not CO2?

It has snowed in Alberta, Canada on August 1st in the dead of summer. Such strange events like this have not been common. Europe is burning from heat when buildings...

42,000-year-old worms revived from Siberian permafrost

Well, it looks like you can’t just freeze politicians and end their reign of terror. It turns out, they might still be thawed out 42,000 years later beginning...