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Katla Building to a Major Event?

They claim that all the world’s nations combined pumped nearly 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air from the burning of fossil fuels such as...

Red Tide & Blaming Farmers & Global Warming Yet it Conforms to Pi

If you ever live at the shore, one thing that crops up in 13-year cycles is what they call Red Tide. The traditional explanation I have always heard is that is...

2016-18 Big Chill – NASA Confirms Global Cooling?

What I find really distasteful is how the media is so corrupt that all they want to do these days is to manipulate us into mindless drones. All we hear is Global...

Will Global Warming Sink the Netherlands?

  A friend of mine was taking a class in geography in university for the credits. The professor was all about brainwashing the class about Global Warming. The...

Hailstone not Snow

The report of a reader saying it snowed in Rome was an incorrect translation. It was Hailstones. The same thing took place in Calgary. Although strange, they are...

New Study Islands are Growing not Sinking with Global Warming Conspiracy

This theory of Global Warming and the oceans will rise and places like New York City and Miami will sink beneath the waves is just so childish it is beyond...

Winter Arrived Snowing in Rome – Climatic Change events result Historically in an increase in Violence

  Unusual Snowfall in February 2018 that Reached Down to Rome COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; It was snow flurries here in Rome already. This looks like a bitterly...

The Fascinating Story of the Largest Geological Structure on Earth   COMMENT: Just to let you know, already we have a record-breaking cold here in Minnesota. It did not even wait...

Napoleon was Defeated by Volcanoes

QUESTION: I recently read that the weather defeated Napoleon created by a Volcanic Winter in 1815. It seems to have lined up with your chart on the decline in the...

Typhoon Jebi Hit Japan with Amazing Force