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2016 U.S. Presidential Election

1936 & 2016 Cleveland Republican Conventions – Will 2017 be like 1937?

Perhaps it is just cyclical, but the Cleveland Republican Convention will be the first time that Cleveland has held a political convention since the fateful 1936...

Truth about Politics

Obama came to office yelling about “fat cat bankers” and “corporate jet owners.” He then rescinded all the Dodd-Frank restraints against the bankers, and...

The Other Side of a Phase Transition

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Whether in a Phase-transition or a Slingshot Move in the Dow, you made it very clear that such moves will be driven by capital inflows to the...

Cruz losing Support of Fellow Republicans

Proof that Ted Cruz is very much disliked among Republicans was demonstrated over the Planned Parenthood issue. Cruz is being ignored in Congress. On Monday...

Obama refuses to Prosecute Hillary to Help Democrats

The reason we seriously need a new Constitutional Convention is because the current one has been reduced to a scrap paper. President Obama’s outrageous suggestion...

New Poll Shows Republican Elites May Lose it All

The Republican elites are extremely arrogant. This is about them retaining control and power; not whatever the people may want. A new Reuters poll shows that...

Sanders Beats Hillary in Wyoming; Trump Loses Colorado

Bernie Sanders continues to nip at Hillary’s heels and is preventing her from winning an uncontested coronation. Cruz beat Trump in Colorado but cannot...

Will Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney be the Republican Candidate?

The talk is a flurry in Washington and the plan seems to be centered around a brokered convention in the Republican camp. Ted Cruz is disliked and they hate Trump...

Cruz Defeats Trump in Wisconsin — Is This 1828-1832 All Over Again?

From the outset, inside sources have relayed that Cruz is very disliked behind the curtain. His entire strategy from the beginning has been to be the last man...