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USA Current Events

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server

Russia has reportedly hacked Hillary’s server. The energy magazine reported that Russian intelligence informed Western intelligence agencies...

Department of Labor Changes Interpretation of Act to Raise Minimum Wages

The U.S. Department of Labor, acting on a directive of President Obama issued back in March 2014, has announced changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)....

Goldman Sachs Used Prostitutes To Sell Deals?

Goldman Sachs is in a lawsuit for allegedly using prostitutes, fancy meals, and hotels to swindle the Libyan government in a $1.2 billion lawsuit. Now, before you...

Crime Pays — But Who?

One of the eye-opening shocks I experienced after I was thrown in contempt was that nothing was what it seemed. Numerous suicides occurred but the press did not...

Oklahoma Police Can Seize Your Entire Bank Account on a Traffic Stop Without Any Charges

    The one state that has gone complete anti-democratic is Oklahoma. It is wise not to travel in that state at all. Oklahoma should...

Yellen Says Interest Rates Will Go Higher

Janet Yellen’s remarks today confused the people who think the world turns on the Jobs numbers since they remain clueless with respect to the changing trend...

Portland School Board Acting Like Nazi Propaganda Officers

Well if you live in Portland, you better get your kids out of school. The Portland school board is against free speech. Portland public schools have banned all...

Upside-Down Statistics — What is Down, May Be Up

The Nonfarm Payrolls came in substantially lower than expected. The dollar dropped with gold rising, but the Dow did not crash on the open in the same percentage...

Former US Attorney General Admits Snowden did a Public Service

Obama’s former US attorney general Eric Holder has said the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden performed a “public service” by starting...

Obama breaks with Saudi Arabia

Tension continue to build between the USA and Saudi Arabia. Besides allowing the Saudi’s to be sued in US courts over 911, the USA is cutting off...