Clark Moffatt went to law school to persue his dream job as a lawyer working in the American criminal justice system (like we really need more prosecutors). Nearly...
COMMENT: You have discussed the growing threat of antibiotic resistance several times. Sadly, I must confess, I am, in part, responsible for this trend. I am a...
Something very interesting is unfolding. Included in the new year-end spending bill was a waiver of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA), which...
QUESTION: Dear Marty, No one EVER asks about the consequences of emerging market debt in the global economy. Ms. Yellen stated today they are aware of out...
While everyone seems to be placing a huge question on whether the Fed will raise rates or not, the markets have already factored in the rate rise for some time....
The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates...
The IMF and many economists (domestic and foreign) are now warning that a rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve, no matter when, will spark a major economic crisis...
Between 1989 and 2010, U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion in asset forfeiture cases. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually. In...
QUESTION: In your Nov. 15 blog you said about the Fed “ I do not think in its present form it should be owned by banks collecting 6%. I would advocate a...