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USA Current Events

Secession in the Winds: Texas & Catalonia

Our Cycle of War uses the Wheeler Index. However, there were some major problems with overlooked key events. So we corrected the data and extended it for the period...

Boehner Resigns After Meeting Pope

Our sources were spot on. John Boehner resigned, but only after meeting the Pope. This was the deal cut behind the curtain: Boehner would resign rather than face a...

The Battle of the Budget & the ECM: Sept. 30 – Oct. 1

There is a storm brewing over the potential government shutdown on September 30: the day of the ECM, 2015.75. The establishment Republicans are in a battle with the...

Insurance — a One-Way Road

Insurance companies, who routinely defraud citizens, have had the laws written to the point that they get to criminally prosecute what they claim is a fraud....

Boehner Losing Control with 2015.75

The Speaker of the House has clearly overstayed his welcome. He is one of the most disliked Republican leaders of all time. One anti-Boehner Republican said a...

Boehner To Lose Control of Congress?

John Boehner has been the most ruthless Speaker of the House perhaps since Henry Clay. He is notorious for targeting people within the Republican Party who do not...

Advice for the Fed

I understand that Larry Summers and the IMF, among others, are advising the Fed not to raise rates. They are expecting the Fed to sacrifice domestic policy...

Taxman Demands Sex or Threatens to Shut Woman’s Business Down

An IRS Agent was arrested by police for threatening to close a woman’s business unless she had sex with him. The IRS Agent, Samuel Garza, showed up at the...

The #1 Terrorist Group = Domestic Citizens

  Government talks about Islamic terrorists, but their number one fear is YOU. The internment camps are for you, not Islamic extremists. Government CANNOT...

Medicare Costs May Jump 52% in 2016

Before, I never had to pay when I picked up medicine for my mother. Ever since Obamacare, I have to pay a fair amount. Now, almost one-third of the roughly 50...