USA Current Events
Judges and Cops Fail to Prosecute Their Own – Judge Richard Owen is “Above the Law”
April 24, 2015
Judge Richard Owen Appointed to Bench by Richard Nixon Judge Owen – Dementia Police misconduct is everywhere and nobody seems willing to prosecute any...
USA Current EventsWhen Did I Become Wealthy?
April 24, 2015
COMMENT: Martin, your recent post makes me wonder when did I become “one of them rich people”? We have a family business, it’s no glamour job, I...
Q&A USA Current EventsInequality of Wealth
April 23, 2015
1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller....
America's Economic History USA Current EventsIt’s Snowing in Michigan
April 22, 2015
A reader just sent this in. It is snowing in Grand Rapids. Thank God for global warming. Can you imagine how much snow they would be getting without...
USA Current EventsNew Polls Show That 75% of Americans See Politicians as Corrupt; 2-to-1 Now Distrust the Police
April 22, 2015
COMMENT: Martin, First, I want to thank you for all that you do to educate and enlighten — you are living proof that excellence cannot be held down. I just...
North America Q&A USA Current EventsCreating a Fourth Branch of Government
April 19, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks again for the post on Griffin’s book and your short history lesson regarding the same. I’m sure your readers appreciate the...
America's Economic History Q&A USA Current EventsScrewing the Young & Old
April 17, 2015
The end of socialism is not going to be pretty. Politicians have screwed the youth with student loan debt that they made non-dischargable to help the bankers,...
Uncategorized USA Current EventsLouisiana Outlaws Cash Transactions for Used Goods
April 15, 2015
Louisiana has passed a bill making it illegal to pay for used goods with cash. You can no longer buy something at a yard sale, flea market, or anywhere else where...
The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsBlog Alerts
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