QUESTION: Dear Marty, The computer forecasted perfectly the Trump victory. Now some people are trying to prevent a Trump presidency. Is President Elect Trump going...
Trump has proposed capping student debt at 12.5% of their income and a debt forgiveness at 15 years. Yes this will cost something, but it is the only way to unwind...
Trumps’ campaign manager most people do not realize was a WOMAN. Kellyanne Conway is the first female campaign manager to win the Presidency for her...
The degree of how morally debased many of those who have been supporting Hillary is being exposed just how anti-democratic these people are boarding on a virtual...
Change is the engine of advancement. We cannot advance without it and we never advance without first making a mistake. Today, I have never seen in politics reach...
Protests have erupted against Trump from the people who have been brainwashed by the media and the Democratic machine. The deep divisions that this election has...
The Euro soared to 113 and then crashed and burned to the 109 level. The Dow exceeded yesterday’s high but has not penetrated the previous day’s low....