QUESTION: Marty, Comey came out right on the day of the ECM to announce a continued investigation into Hillary. Is this the key focus for this target? ANSWER: It...
The New York Post is doing the best job on explaining this latest scandal. They have the 302s which are FBI reports of interviews. They clearly show that Huma...
Hillary may not be laughing much longer. The FBI has sent a letter to Congress stating that new emails have surfaced and they are investigating new leads. Hillary...
The markets are coiling and do not know what to make of all the scandals being released. A Reuters polls shows that 70% of Republicans believe the election will be...
In a 2011 memo, an aide to Bill Clinton laid out the unethical relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Bill’s sudden wealth. Bill’s personal...
The U.S. polls are clearly being rigged just as they were for BREXIT. Here is a Podesta email revealing how it is done. They take samples from specific regions and...
The Wall Street Journal broke the story on Sunday night about the connections surfacing between the Democrats and Jill Mcabe’s run for the Senate who is the...