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North America

Podesta – How to Rig the Polls

The U.S. polls are clearly being rigged just as they were for BREXIT. Here is a Podesta email revealing how it is done. They take samples from specific regions and...

Hillary’s Lawyer – “We have to clean this up!”

The Wall Street Journal broke the story on Sunday night about the connections surfacing between the Democrats and Jill Mcabe’s run for the Senate who is the...

Hillary Spent $25 Million from Clinton Foundation on Private Jets

Bob Woodard, the journalist who broke the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to resign, has come out to say that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation...

Anonymous v Hillary

Trump’s Drain the Swamp Trump’s Latest Message Drain the “Swamp” He Calls Washington. This is why the Republican elite stand...

Curious Undecided Went for Trump?

Clinton Staffer Hands Questions to Andrea Mitchell

This video shows a Clinton staff member texting NBC’s Andrea Mitchell a question to ask Hillary. The press no longer reports the news — they are part of...

Is Hillary Behind the False Charges against Julian Assange?

Hillary has a reputation for being very vindictive. The latest is that she is ultimately behind the whole incident of accusing Julian Assange of sex crimes. This is...

Best Site for Easy Access to Hillary’s Emails by Topic

  The Most Revealing Emails from the #PodestaFiles, Separated By Category (Parts 1 –...