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North America

Hillary’s “Personal” Emails Probably Hide Corruption & Tax Fraud

The talk outside the United States is how well-known analyst has found that there were massive discrepancies regarding the amount and use of donations in addition...

The Questionable Candidate

This parody is of course based on the hilarious movie “Weekend at Bernies,” and how they carry a dead guy around to keep the party going. This...

Republican v Democrats – Is Something Really Changing?

There is another aspect to the 2016 presidential election that seems to be missing from discussions. There the very basic fundamental issue concerning Hillary...

Hillary maybe Just What the Model Needs to Finish off the Economy

A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine...

Opinion Infected by Bias

QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If...

Hillary Threatens War with China & Russia

What is fascinating has been the images portrayed about Clinton and Trump. Hillary is viewed as the most dishonest and Trump is looked up as the hot head. It is...

Rudy Giuliani Says He Would Have Indicted Hillary

Rudy Giuliani explains how he would have indicted...

The Rise of a Third Party – Polls Show a Historical High of 37%

This is the most interesting presidential election in American history. It obviously reflects precisely what our computer projected for 2016 back in 1985 based...

Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease – True or False?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Does Hillary have health issues? This is the hot rumor that we do not know what is true of not. Do you have any information on this topic?...

Hillary’s Corruption Knows No End

The revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While...