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North America

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment

To indict someone, the criteria is supposed to be “intent.” Comey has used that to pretend there is no evidence that...

Emails Expose Hillary & Insider Trading on Greek Bailouts?

The Clinton scandals will provide endless TV entertainment, which may be more like a reality TV show with the Kardashians. Most people think it will be Donald...

Is Bill Clinton Losing It?

The whole meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton calls into question the judgment of both people. Lynch should have declined the meeting and Bill should never have...

FBI To Clear Clinton by Democratic Convention

The talk behind the curtain is that the fix with the Justice Department and Obama is in. Proof that the whole EMAIL scandal with Clinton is already fixed will be...

Lynch Refuses to even Recuse Herself Proving This is All a Lie

  The dishonesty never ends. The Attorney General Loretta Lynch has proven she is not trustworthy and playing games. She now says she will accept the...

The Clintons Always Play Dirty

Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix. The claim is he just happened to see her plane and hopped on board to speak...

Hillary: The Most Devious Politician of All Time?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Have you ever met or advised Hillary Clinton? ANSWER: No. I was asked to meet with Bill when he was first elected in Arkansas after he...

Can Rating Agencies be Trusted?

COMMENT: The manipulations of S&P indicate that these clowns’ output should be printed on absorbent paper. The point is exactly that this company and its...

Hillary’s Questionable Past

QUESTION: I found your article on Hillary email scandal very informative. So you are saying that the financial scandals were all Hillary, not Bill? ANSWER: Correct....

Hillary – Has She Compromised the Country?

A very serious issue is starting to rise behind the curtain. Obama is blasting Trump as part of some global elitist group that does not exist outside of those in...