Bernie Sanders continues to nip at Hillary’s heels and is preventing her from winning an uncontested coronation. Cruz beat Trump in Colorado but cannot...
The talk is a flurry in Washington and the plan seems to be centered around a brokered convention in the Republican camp. Ted Cruz is disliked and they hate Trump...
From the outset, inside sources have relayed that Cruz is very disliked behind the curtain. His entire strategy from the beginning has been to be the last man...
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has clearly targeted Putin, however, it is his aids rather than him personally who were revealed...
Federal Election Commission records show that hedge fund billionaire George Soros donated $343,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund and poured a whopping $7 million into...
Trump’s latest comments over the weekend regarding the economy are interesting but still fall short of reality. He argues the unemployment number is really...
The pension crisis is brewing and the one state that appears to be heading toward a complete bankruptcy is Illinois. Clients should not own ANY debt from Illinois,...
As expected, the Republican Party will not follow the candidate who the people select in the primaries. Rule 40(b), which requires a presidential candidate to win...