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North America

Freedom of Speech to be Denied by Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Well, here it comes: criminal prosecution for denying there is “climate change” all because this will be the next great tax to match Obamacare. Forget...

The Two Faces of Hillary

QUESTION: Marty, do you think Hillary will just wipe us out when social security goes bust next year? ANSWER: Absolutely. I cannot think of anyone I regard as more...

Four Elections Away from 2017: The Year from Political Hell

There has been a major political uprising in Germany. For the first time, the Green Party has beaten the establishment in Baden-Württemberg. I have been warning...

Canada Sold All Its Gold Reserves – Who Will be Next?

​ Question: Hello Martin, I saw a couple of days ago that Canada seems to have sold all its gold. Is it just a way to...

The Threat of Change

Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump             It’s not the hair.             Or the bad manners.             Or the...

Bush Clan Now Behind Cruz

Neil Bush joins Cruz The Bush clan is now backing Cruz. Cruz’s wife, Heidi, is a managing director at Goldman Sachs. Astonishingly, Cruz forgot to disclose...

The Government’s Murder of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum Who Obama Protects

Caution this is very disturbing This is the video evidence that shows how ruthless government employees have become against the people. This is the outright murder...

The Elite & Their Undemocratic Superdelegates/Electoral College

Most people are clueless as to the legality of what they are doing when they vote. You think you are voting for a candidate, but you are actually voting for...

The Coming Insurrection inside the Republican Party

Judge Jeanine Pirro warns of an insurrection coming against the Republican elites. She also says  Mitt Romney has awoken a sleeping giant – the silent...

Romney Trying to Run as a Savior? Obama Says Trump Will Not Be President

  Rubio does not seem to have what it takes to get the nomination. He would be a nice puppet like George Bush Jr. and Obama and would do whatever the unelected...