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North America

Christie Endorses Trump – Why the Shock?

All the pundits on TV are expressing shock that Christie has endorsed Trump. I really cannot imagine the surprise. Politics is supposed to be their expertise. Trump...

The Socialist Lie that We have had Always a Growth Economy Since Roosevelt

A comment by a reader with a philosophy is interesting and delusional at the same time. “Armstrong chose not to seek any compromise but to put all the blame...

It’s Just All Connected

COMMENT: Marty; it has taken me some time to digest your thinking. I just wanted to say you have opened my eyes and I can see the connections. Trump is a symptom...

Trump v Apple

I believe that Donald Trump is way off base here because he is not a programmer. If Apple creates a backdoor for the FBI in its phones then hackers will also find...

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social...

Trump’s Reading of the Snake is Going Viral in Europe

In Kentucky Men To Require Note From Wife for Viagra

  Mary Lou Marzian, a politician in Kentucky, introduced a bill that has really raised some eyebrows. The bill proposes to ban men from accessing Viagra and...

South Carolina: Apple & Donald Trump

  Trump took South Carolina with less than 40%. Bush just has the wrong name and should give up. The real reasons to worry are Cruz and Rubio, as both would...

Former Student Arrested for Late Student Loan Payments, Thanks to Hillary

FOX News reported that the U.S. Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for failing to pay their outstanding federal student loans. Actually, Paul Aker,...

Canada Selling Part of Its Gold Reserves

Governments everywhere are going broke. Despite what people think, gold may yet make new record lows under $1,000 in the months ahead. Canada has sold off a...