Electric cars are rapidly entering the market. This is causing more than just a decline in the demand for oil. The i8 BMW is a hybrid that still has a combustion...
A lot of emails have been coming in about Jade Helm, a highly secret and most controversial U.S. Special Operations exercise that created a flood of conspiracy...
Why is Donald Trump #2 in the polls? This very interesting trend illustrates what our computer has been forecasting for 2016. While Trump is inside the Republican...
This is the end of an era. The Chicago trading pits have closed after 167 years. What is a shame about this is that great traders need the “feel” and...
COMMENT: Couldn’t help myself – I must share this personal story with your team and the blog readers. After reading Martin for just about a year, I began...
In a recent poll, 35% of Americans would like to resign their citizenship. Of course, this report by CNBC is a bit distorted. It was a poll taken by Americans using...
I pledge allegiance to no flag, but to truth and morality. which doesn’t seem to exist in the Divided States of America. And to no republic, for it stands for...
Sorry for being late – my bad. This is actually an important Independence Day for you. True, it was originally the Dominion Day on July 1, 1867 that was...
King v. Burwell upholding Obamacare is a political decision, not law, and it reveals the distinct difference between Scalia (who many liberals hate) and Roberts...
While the number of people living together without getting married has nearly doubled since 1981 due to a fear of the legal obligations of marriage, there remains a...